Friday 26 July 2013

L is for Leather

I have always adored my leather jackets, my simple black biker jacket from Topshop and my vintage real leather bomber jacket; which I found in a vintage store in Paris for 25 euros!! With this is mind I had never considered other leather items of clothing until recently. I saw this photo of Alexa Chung on the Vogue facebook page and loved how cute and stylish she looked in a black leather skirt and white shirt. So I began my hunt for one of my own!

This is a Topshop number that I managed to find in the sale for £22 and I have hardly had it off since! Considering I can’t wear heels at the moment I love this skirt with my black ankle boots as I still feel dressy enough without my heels, which is usually a struggle for me!

I didn’t stop there though while in Topshop (shock) the other night I came across these white quilted leather shorts that I absolutely had to have!

Again I love the fact that you can dress them up or down with a simple change of shoes.  They are so comfy (much comfier than my leather skirt!) They are available on here; Quilted PU Shorts

I know there is a lot of stereotypes that sometimes come with tight black leather but I think as long as you pair it up with something simple and cute then you can't go too wrong! 

Let me know your thoughts on leather... 

A x


  1. Love those shorts and that skirt. I couldn't live without my little leather skirt - it goes with so many clothes!


    1. Completely agree, it's now my go to piece of clothing if I don't know what to wear :) xx
