I realise this isn't sticking to my usual fashion criteria
but I wanted to write a bit about breaking my back as I have discovered that when
you tell someone you have broken your back, unless they can see you they
automatically expect the worse. In May I broke 3 vertebrates in my spine and severely
compressed them. I was extremely lucky that my fractures were stable, this
meant there were no parts of bone near my spinal cord, and although I was still
at risk of it becoming unstable I was in the best place, hospital. When I found
out I was getting a back brace I think I thought the same as everyone else
However my fractures were in the center of my spine which
meant the only part of me that had to be braced and supported was my torso, I got this lovely contraption.....
When talking to my consultant I tried to make light of the
situation by telling him that I was a fashion student and how did he expected
me to make this look fashionable? This was the moment I discovered that
consultants don’t really have a sense of humour!
Anyway, in my first 6 weeks I had to lie flat on my back
unless my brace was on, which made sleeping very uncomfortable, and getting
washed and dressed every morning was an absolute nightmare! I could hardly do
anything myself and although my little brother seemed to think I should be
happy that everyone was having to do everything for me, I realised that when
you can do it yourself you’ll happily let others do it, but when you can’t, all
you want is to be able to do is be independent.
One of the worst things was having my mum give me injections every day,
if I’d had the choice I think I would of got up and ran away a few times,
especially when my boyfriend asked if you just ‘stabbed it in’.
Family Bonding trying to wash my hair over a box |
After those frustrating 6 weeks I was given permission to
have my brace off for short periods of time when in the house. This made a lot
of things much easier. I could now dress myself which meant I could be a bit
more adventurous than leggings and a plain t-shirt.
After 3 frustrating months I was finally allowed to take my
brace off last Monday, trust me I have never been so happy before. Although my
spine is now curved and the compression's will never heal it felt so good to
finally get some good news. I have now had my brace off for a week and it has
been tough and although I think I can now do so much more every day my body isn't
quite ready for what I had planned. Physio at the moment is the simplest of
exercises, but next week I get an exercise ball and a regime to do in a
swimming pool, so I’m looking forward to new movements. Although I am going to
look pretty silly doing stretches and walking in the swimming pool, no i’m not allowed
to actually swim....
Although this has been difficult and painful, my family and
friends especially my Mum and Alex have been absolutely amazing. My mum said it
was like I was a baby again, she has a point. And Alex well he has had to watch
me in so much pain and care for me in ways that he never thought he would but
he kept me smiling!
Now to make the most of my brace free weeks before I go back to uni :D
A x